Aligning Hebrew Poetry
Wed 17 Jan 24   (Updated Sat 29 Jun 24) 1,087

Despite being one of my two most popular books, I was least satisfied with the formatting of my Psalms reader. The problem was that wherever poetry would run over lines, it would start a new line on the right hand side of the page. This meant units would be split and harder to read. I have now updated this to align on the left, so keeping units together.

It is still not perfect since I do not wish to break lines at all, but the constraints of a small page are not helpful. I hope to produce a larger 8x10" Psalms edition soon. I have also added acrostic markers and also fixed numerous poetry divisions to align with the suggested divisions in the first edition of Biblia Hebraica. This should all make my Psalms reader one of my most aesthetically pleasing editions!