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The Gospels: A Greek Reader (Hardback)

Book 16 in Greek New Testament Readers

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This is a Greek reader for the Gospels. The narratives in the gospels are some of the easiest and most familiar passages in the New Testament. Therefore, they are often the first books that students read through cover to cover and form the basis of classroom study. It is designed as a useful cost-efficient tool for two groups of people. First, for students learning Koine (New Testament) Greek after a year’s worth of study this book and its series provide the material to grow in reading ability from the primary texts. Second, this book is designed for pastors, scholars, and curious lay people looking to refresh their Greek, or use them in preparation for their work of study, preaching, and teaching.

The book immerses the reader in the biblical texts in order to build confidence reading Koine Greek as quickly as possible. To achieve this, all uncommon words that occur 30 times or fewer in the Greek New Testament are glossed as footnotes. This enables the reader to continue reading every passage unhindered. Therefore, the book complements traditional language grammars and is especially ideal for beginner and intermediate students learning to read Koine Greek. However, even advanced readers will appreciate the glossing of the rare words, since it saves time reading the text.

Other features include:

  • Biblical maps in Greek
  • Paradigm charts of noun and verbs
  • Glossary of all the words not glossed below the text
  • Wide margins

The base text is the Society of Biblical Literature Greek New Testament (SBLGNT) which is a modern edition ideal for readers.

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Product details

Publisher : Timothy A. Lee Publishing (26 Oct. 2023)

Languages : Ancient Greek, English

Contains : Matthew Mark Luke John

Hardcover : 457 pages

Dimensions : 6 x 1.03 x 9 in (15.24 x 2.61 x 22.86 cm)

Paper : Cream

ISBN : 978-1-916854-17-8

Also available in this series