Libro > Early Jewish Writings > The Damascus Document: Facing Hebrew – English Text

The Damascus Document: Facing Hebrew – English Text

Libro 7 en Early Jewish Writings

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This is a parallel facing edition of The Damascus Document. The Damascus Document was a core text at Qumran among the Dead Sea Scroll community. It alludes to the origins of the community after they split off from the priest in Jerusalem. The people believe themselves to be the faithful remnant of the true people of God led by the mysterious ‘Teacher of Righteousness’.

This book is part of a unique series that contains early Jewish writings in ancient languages alongside English translations on facing pages. This series is designed as a useful cost-efficient tool for students, scholars, and lay persons interested in studying early Jewish writings. These works are important since they were considered authoritative by many early Jewish and Christian communities. Furthermore, they are saturated with examples of early Jewish biblical interpretation and correct false assumptions about early Judaism. Finally for Christians they are important since the New Testament quotes and alludes to these works.

Other features include:

  • Introduction to this book and early Jewish literature
  • Paradigm charts of noun and verbs
  • Wide margins

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Detalles de producto

Editor : Timothy A. Lee Publishing (31 May. 2024)

Idiomas : Hebrew, English

Contiene :

Tapa Blanda : 129 paginas

Dimensiones : 6 x 0.29 x 9 in (15.24 x 0.74 x 22.86 cm)

Papel : Crema

ISBN : 978-1-916854-95-6

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